Wheat based beverage for casual get-togethers

Why not read about beer while brewing? Grab one of our educational materials to read until you can grab a glass of beer! These articles will lead you through the path of making beer with useful brewing tips.

Weizenbocks are strong, wheat-based beverages ideal for celebrations or casual get-togethers. It’s as if two kinds of wheat beers were poured into the same bottle. Its alcohol content is higher, so it associates with more intense flavour.

Say my name

I bet that while you were drinking your third high carbonated, hazy Weizenbock, you shared my train of thought about its name. The explanation is a piece of cake and you don’t need to be drunk to realize: Weizenbock is the wheat version of the German-style bock or dunkelweizen. Core ingredients are weizen ale yeast and malt melanoidins – this beer pampers your taste buds with flavours like dark fruits (raisin, grape, plum), banana-like esters, clove-like phenols, complex malt character with low bitterness and well-rounded aromas.

It can be easily said that the Weizenbock style is the smart merge of Weissbier and Doppelbock with richly layered maltiness and the strength of a crispy Bock, although Weizenbocks today are far from the earlies types of bocks that were first brewed in the 14th century. The recipe was changed three centuries later, the top-fermenting ale yeast was replaced by bottom fermenting lager yeasts. The final recipe was forged around the beginning of the 20th century Bavaria.

Beer buddies were fond of this drink back then so Weizenbock simply evaded the Reingeitsgebot purity law that prohibited wheat usage during brewing (and regularized the process by limiting the ingredients to only hop, malt, and water).

One for everyone!

Fortunately, without a slight chance of prohibition, all you have to do now is to pick your favourite from the wide range of options. There are darker and lighter versions of Weizenbock in the palette, dark ones have full and luscious malty framework, lighters have a golden colour, bready profile and made from pilsner malts. In every case, the key ingredient is the beloved malted wheat.

According to the crazy amount of types that you should try to brew, we prefer to list not every existing brewing tips but showing you the essential ones.

Here we go, let’s try to brew a hazy dazy Weizenbock!

+ handle the ingredients prodigally
+ higher fermentation temperature and alcohol tolerant yeast goes well with it
+ infusion mashing in every case starting from 42 C°
+ use the same ratios as we’d do with a traditional wheat beer, just double them
+ 40% wheat malt, 55% Pilsen malt, 5% Melanoidin
+ ideal fermentation temperature is between 18 and 22 C°
+ at 18 degrees you’ll get a sort of banana taste, and at 22 you’ll get a clove taste

Homebrewers are the new rock stars! Brew your own beverage and pair it with the most delicious BBQ food.

Beer at the push of a button

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